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Drawings in PDF and DWG (Autocad)

All sizes are in millimeters
We made the drawings with a plate thickness from 15mm but the original thickness is 1/2" that is 12.7 mm these Plywood plates are not available in Europe it is 12mm or 15mm. If you can get it in 1/2" you must tell the limber-store with a cnc machine to change the thickness in the drawings to 1/2" or 12.7mm we checked this plates in different GPA’s they will fit but it is possible that with the restoration some measurements from the body are not correct any more. We had different original plates and all had some minor different sizes.

Ford GPA left back Ford GPA right back
Ford GPA right back outside top Ford GPA right side middle Ford GPA right innerside top
Ford GPA left innerside top Ford GPA left back middle top side Ford GPA right back outside bottom